Medical University of Graz, Secretary of the Examination:

    ICDP - UEMS International Board Certification in Dermatopathology

    The International Committee for Dermatopathology organizes the International Board Certifying Examination in Dermatopathology (Diploma in Dermatopathology) in Frankfurt/M., Germany, on  Saturday, October 4, 2025.

    The Examination is fully supported by European Union of Medical Specialists (Union Européenne Médecins Spécialistes = UEMS), Section of Dermato-Venereology.

    Participating Societies

    • International Society of Dermatopathology
    • European Society for Dermatopathology
    • Ibero-Latin American Society of Dermatopathology

    At present, the Examination Committee is working on the feasibility of a digitalization of the Examination for what concerns the slides (biopsies, part 1). Against the end of the year it will be communicated whether Part 1 (slides) will be done with conventional (glass) slides, or with digitalized slides uploaded on a server.

    In the case that glass slides will be utilized, than the examination will consist of 70 glass slides, and will be organized in a way similar to a self-assessment course (allotted time: 2 minutes / slide); microscopes will be provided.

    In the case that digital slides will be utilized, than the examination will consist of 70 digital slides uploaded on a server. The candidates will be responsible for bringing their own computer to view the digital slides, and will get on-site a link for the folder with the cases for the examination. If this system will be implemented, at the end of the year several "test" cases will be uploaded on the same server in order for the candidates to test the system and get acquainted with it before the examination.


    I C D P - International Committee for Dermatopathology

    The International Committee for Dermatopathology (ICDP) is a coordinating body for International  and national Dermatopathology Societies.  The ICDP essentially represents an intersociety council and does not have a general membership or hold independent scientific meetings.

    The International Committee for Dermatopathology (ICDP) is an official member of the ILDS (International league of Dermatological Societies), which is an association of all national and international societies devoted to Dermatology.

    Secretary of the Examination

    Lorenzo Cerroni, MD
    Department of Dermatology
    Medical University of Graz
    Auenbruggerplatz 8
    A-8036 Graz, AUSTRIA


    Application Contact

    Prof. Dieter Metze, MD
    University Hospital
    Department of Dermatology
    Von-Esmarch-Strasse 58
    D‐48149 Münster, GERMANY
    Fax +49 251 835 8973

